Cased auger piles

Cased auger piles are made using drilling rigs with a double drill head. The technique makes it possible to drill foundation piles immediately adjacent to existing structures. There is no soil displacement or stress relief, and consequently no risk of damage to adjacent structures. This avoids the use of balance beams. These foundation piles are available in diameters of 430, 530 or 630 mm. Both compressive and tensile stresses can be absorbed.

How does cased auger piling work?

  1. The endless screw rotates in a pipe sleeve. Thanks to the special drill heads, we can bore foundation piles right up to adjacent structures, without any risk of damage.
  2. Protected by the pipe sleeve, we transport the drilled soil to the surface, where it is deposited.
  3. After the required depth has been reached, we pump concrete through the centre of the hollow screw. While doing this, we draw the casing up, thus forming the foundation pile.
  4. After concreting, we immediately apply the required reinforcement.

What are the benefits of cased auger piles?

  • Fast realisation of the foundation piles.
  • The soil’s grain tension does not change, thus excluding settlement. Drilling next to existing structures is perfectly possible.
  • This foundation technique is possible in virtually any soil type, also without lowering the phreatic zone.
  • Drilling through hard subsoil or existing foundation masonry poses no problem at all.
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