Displacement piles

To create displacement piles, we use very high-torque drilling rigs. The technique makes it possible to place heavy loads on foundation piles that have limited dimensions. This method features double soil displacement, so that no soil is drilled out. Both compressive and tensile stresses can be absorbed.

How does cased auger piling work?

  1. A metal casing is fitted with a helical screw at the bottom. Before starting the boring process, we place the casing on a sacrificial drill bit.
  2. The piles are screwed into the soil completely vibration-free. The soil is displaced laterally in this process.
  3. After the required depth has been reached, reinforcement is installed in the casing (if the piles are reinforced along the entire length). Concrete is subsequently pumped into the casing. While doing this, we draw the casing up, thus forming the foundation pile.
  4. If the piles are not reinforced along the entire length, we introduce the required reinforcement after concreting the pile.

What are the benefits of cased auger piles?

  • Fast realisation of the foundation piles.
  • The piling is done completely vibration-free.
  • These piles have favourable installation coefficients, Meaning that we can absorb a very large load on relatively small piles.
  • This foundation technique is ideal for clay and loamy soil, or loose to moderately compacted sand. It can be carried out without lowering the phreatic zone.
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